Business Development Opportunities

Aeroval, Inc. is currently exploring strategic options for our Aeroval® and brands and certain other brand specific tangible and intangible assets including but not limited to strategic outright sale of certain individual assets. Aeroval, Inc. is focused on strategic collaborations including new product commercialization, aftermarket distribution, OEM-Direct e-commerce click-through and related parts/MRO marketing service collaborations. Considering exclusive and semi-exclusive agreements that monetize established online RFQ traffic while capturing high organic search engine relevance, established scalable part number centric online footprint and global distribution network.
Serious inquiries please communicate specific interest to: Garrett W. Schwarz, email:

Key Themes Actively Shaping Civil Aircraft Parts & MRO Aftermarket

As OEM’s and consolidators aggressively reach both organically and acquisitively for high margin proprietary aftermarket content to complement their introductory OE production, they incentivize the introduction of new state-of-the-art platforms, many of which embody an increasing amount of proprietary parts and aftermarket support. This sets up a favorable situation for their aftermarket enterprises for years to come.


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